A MiniPolisz számára fontos az edukáció, ezért a társadalmi felelősségvállalás jegyében a fiatalok szemléletformálását zászlajára tűzve örömmel ad otthont változatos témájú, csoportos szemléletformáló foglalkozásoknak.

  • A csoportok részére tartott interaktív tanórák díjmentesek.
  • A tanórákat külsős szakemberek tartják, ezért az igényt a foglalás során előre kérjük jelezni a látogatás előtt legalább 2-3 héttel. A tanórák megtartásának lehetősége a játszóház foglaltságának függvényében változhat. Tanórákat iskolai szünetben nem áll módunkban tartani.
  • A foglalkozások az életkori sajátosságok figyelembevételével zajlanak: óvodásoknak játékos, mondókás formában és kb. 20-30 perces időtartamban, míg iskolásoknak szemléletformáló foglalkozással egybekötve, kb. 30-45 perces időtartamban kerül sor egy-egy tanórára.

Groups can currently choose from these topics:

  • Drive smart! program
  • General crime prevention knowledge
  • Az internet veszélyei


The ORFK-OBB supports the practical implementation of traffic safety education and training activities, with the goal of educating children and school-age children in safe traffic, which takes place in the framework of the following programs, taking into account age characteristics:

Ovi-Cop program

The Ovi-Zzaru program for younger children is a playful, attention-grabbing and direct communication-based crime and accident prevention program developed mainly for large age groups. and dare to ask the police for help.

Recommended age group: 4-6 years

School policeman program

The goal of the program for elementary school students, or even for the entire school year, is to promote safe, accident-free traffic, rule-following behavior, expand traffic knowledge, and increase the popularity of the police among young people for the purpose of career guidance.

During the programs, children can learn the rules of safe traffic in the framework of playful intellectual tasks. The sessions held at MiniPolisz are complemented by an informal discussion following the presentation interspersed with vivid presentations and explanations.

Recommended age group: 7-12 years


Crime prevention specialists also hold classes in primary schools 1-5. of his grade. In the classes, after watching the film, there is a discussion of what has been seen and its processing using drama pedagogic methods. Within the scope of the topic, the following topics will be processed:

  • Preventing becoming a victim or a perpetrator,
  • Clarification of concepts: e.g. what constitutes a crime, what is the difference between a crime and a student crime,
  • School violence and opportunities to seek help,
  • Characteristics of the most common crimes among young people (disturbing, assault, harassment, theft, robbery, etc.) and their consequences,
  • What to do at home alone
  • And a little lawyering.

The educational aids used in MiniPolisz sessions may differ from those used in schools. Due to the available time frame, we recommend that you discuss the focus topic with the organizer in advance.

Recommended age group: 7-12 years



During the processing of the subject of the dangers of the Internet, the children will receive information about the possibilities of asking for help in addition to knowledge, all within the framework of the methods used in the general crime prevention class. Topics:

  • Data protection,
  • Making a photo or sound recording,
  • Making a photo or sound recording,
  • Community portals
  • Defamation, defamation, harassment, cyberbullying,
  • Ransomware, security features,
  • Online shopping.

In the case of sessions held in MiniPolisz, due to the available time frame, we recommend that you consult with the organizer about the focus topic in advance.

Recommended age group: 7-12 years