Our new stand, miniPraktiker, is open. On this occasion, as part of a promotion lasting the whole summer, we are giving away a 10% Praktiker coupon to all visitors to MiniPolisz.

Our new stand, miniPraktiker, is open. On this occasion, as part of a promotion lasting the whole summer, we are giving away a 10% Praktiker coupon to all visitors to MiniPolisz.

How can the 10% Praktiker coupon be yours?

In addition to the smallest do-it-yourselfers, we also bring joy to the older ones! The miniPraktiker stand was opened on Children's Day, on the occasion of which, together with Praktiker, we are announcing a summer-long promotion entitled "Joint play for the family, 10% discount for you".

Have you already visited the miniPraktiker stand? Come and try the new games! As part of the promotion, between July 1 and August 31, 2019, we will give all visitors to MiniPolisz a 10% Praktiker coupon.

Extended: until September 30, 2019 or while supplies last.

Coupon redemption conditions:

Coupons can be redeemed in Praktiker stores until September 30, 2019, only for personal purchases. The coupon cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts, and it does not apply to products that are sold out, permanently low-priced or out of stock. Only one coupon can be used per purchase and cannot be combined with other coupons or card discounts! The 10% discount will be deducted from the gross price of each product, in addition to applying the rules for rounding, in return for handing over the coupon before payment. The coupon cannot be exchanged for cash, and subsequent validation is excluded! More details here:

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