Why should the child play, if he is still full of energy, even though he has already climbed all the castles on the playground, you are over the daily beach, trip, shared experience, you are currently traveling, and you are already bored of car brands, collecting wild animals or your favorite road games ? Try LOGICO!

I need a good game! - Take LOGICO with you even in the summer!

Why should the child play, if he is still full of energy, even though he has already climbed all the castles on the playground, you are over the daily beach, trip, shared experience, you are currently traveling, and you are already bored of car brands, collecting wild animals or your favorite road games ? Try LOGICO! You'll see that your up to now excited and active baby will forget about this fun and useful game in no time. LOGICO offers a challenge and an immediate sense of success at the same time, and it also develops a number of important skills.

LOGICO consists of a durable plastic frame and optional thematic card packs. PRIMO is for children. Among them, you will find special ones for 3, 4 and 5 year olds. If your child is already at school, you should take a look at the PICCOLO range. More than 30 card packs can be selected for both the 6-button PRIMO and 10-button PICCOLO frames. You can find what types of tasks are on the cards on each package.

The game is simple: slide the card into the frame and then push the colored buttons to find the solution. At the end, the child can check himself by turning over the task card.

LOGICO develops several skills. Let's see what they are! Logical thinking, attention, fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, spatial orientation, speech and vocabulary. By pushing the buttons on the frames, the hand becomes skilled, which helps to lay the foundation for later learning to write. Moreover, all this happens while playing, without being noticed.

It is no coincidence that developmental pedagogues like to use it and recommend it for home use as well. The task cards are both a challenge and a feeling of success, the colorful buttons that can be pushed, the fun drawings, and the age-specific themes are attractive, which is why any child is happy to play with LOGICO.

LOGICO is practical and durable, even the younger brother will be able to use it. It is enough to buy both PRIMO and PICCOLO frames once. In addition, you can play with it not only at home, but also while traveling in the car, on the train, in the park or on the beach. Just throw it in your backpack or beach bag so you can take it out anywhere, anytime!

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